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Healthy Alcohol – The Healthiest Alcohols Out There

healthy alcohol, healthiest alcohol, most healthy alcohol
When you consider drinking, you don’t always consider it to be a healthy thing. That is because many of us tend to drink quite a quantity when we do consume alcohol. Truth be told however, many health practitioners praise a controlled quantity of alcohol intake. They praise and recommend people drink a glass of wine every day, which is considered healthy alcohol. However, it must be mentioned that the size of the glass should remain within the norm. Don’t pour half a bottle into a glass and expect that to be healthy. So are there really any healthy alcohols out there? Is alcohol healthy in some sense? This word to word will seek to answer your questions and highlight some of the healthiest alcohols out there. 


So what is a healthy drinking habit? If I drink a six-pack of beer every day, is that healthy? What about a bottle of wine every day, is that healthy? Alcohol can be considered healthy based on the quantity that you drink. Don’t expect to guzzle the whole bottle of booze and have someone praise you for it. 


It isn’t uncommon, many people refer to the act of drinking as unhealthy. As previously stated, the health related to alcohol rests solely on the quantity that you consume. If you are a binge drinker, then obvious to state that your drinking habit is causing havoc on your insides. However, if you are a moderate drinker, then there are some surprisingly delightful health benefits that comes forward with the habit. 

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If you are on a new diet or are trying to shed a few pounds, then you may have already considered stopping the booze runs and cutting down on your unhealthy alcohol intake altogether. However, even for you, if you are trying to lose weight, there are some healthy alcohols out there, which you could enjoy in moderation on an occasional basis. 


There are some amazing health benefits to some of these alcohols, and this word to word will try to highlight all the plus points that come with consuming these drinks. The first on the list of healthy alcohols is champagne. This bubbly drink is amazing for your memory; it actually enhances your memory performance. Further to this, this healthy alcohol is great for your skin. If you are like me and care about the quality of your skin, then you would be first to grab a glassy of champagne and drink to younger-looking skin. 

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Another healthy alcohol is Rosé. Great for a relaxing evening with your friends, this alcohol has a hidden health benefit which will really help you kick heart disease in the behind. Rosé contains polyphenols, which had loads of health benefits. Polyphenols have been shown to prevent atherosclerosis, which is a major component of heart disease. So the next time you pick up a glass of Rosé, remember that you are doing some good to your heart and are staying healthy with the drink. 



Did you know that whiskey can help you fight off cancer? That is right, Whiskey contains ellagic acid, which helps you fight off cancer by absorbing rogue cells. This healthy alcohol is a great addition to your arsenal and helps you even to fight a cold. That is right, whiskey contains so many antioxidants that it actually helps you fight off a cold. So the next time you are sneezing and coughing, grab a glass of whiskey and see how you feel after. 


alcohol, healthy alcohol, how much to drink alcohol, best alcohol, wine, beer, whiskey, spirits



Next on the list is Rum. Though not a very popular drink, this healthy alcohol helps with bettered mental performance. That is right, it actually aids in bettering your mental health. Made from molasses and other sugarcane byproducts, a drink or two on a given evening could drastically reduce your anxiety levels.


I’m sure you knew the next healthy alcohol on our list; Red wine. Known for its antioxidant properties, red wine is also known to help fight heart disease. The components in red wine, polyphenols, resveratrol and quercetin are fantastic ingredients in ensuring that your ticker is ticking at optimum levels. It is also known that red wine slows down the amount of glucose hitting the bloodstream, which prevents insulin spikes from occurring. All in all, red wine is great healthy alcohol to consume in moderation. 

alcohol, healthy alcohol, how much to drink alcohol, best alcohol, wine, beer, whiskey, spirits


Last on the list of healthy alcohols that you should consider, especially if you are trying to stay healthy is Tequila. First of all, the drink has lower calories than vodka, which is definitely a plus point. Further to this, the natural sugar found in tequila is non-digestible, which means, it won’t raise your sugar levels. As an added bonus, this sugar aids in the lowering of cholesterol, which can directly help you lose weight. That is right, tequila can actually help you lose weight. That was why we kept the best for the last.

alcohol, healthy alcohol, how much to drink alcohol, best alcohol, wine, beer, whiskey, spirits



So there you go, some of the healthiest alcohols out there. Now you know, there is such a thing called healthy alcohol and you know that if consumed in moderation, there can be some real positive tangents to your health. 


Happy Drinking!




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